We will make you feel funny and tired !!!
North Face

Koh Chang Bird Watching Tour

          Birds in the forest of Koh Chang island is a bird with beautiful colors. There are many kinds of birds, Sunbird is like a Humming bird,  Bulbul singing melodic, Hill Myna can talk like people. Trogon is beautiful than anyone else, Hornbill is that bigest. There are also other Rapter.


          Special!! During the months of November to March are migrating birds from Siberia migrated to the island such as Flycatcher group And Warbler group.


          This trail near Klong Plu Waterfall. It is very simple route. Total distance of approximately 4 kilometers and takes about 2.5 - 3 hours on the way, you may have found the squirrel monkeys and other raptiles as well.


          To increase the chance of seeing birds. Should wear clothing that is similar to natural colors such as green, brown andblack. Binocular is a free service.

          Only Sunday and Wednesday

          900 baht/person

          Price Includes : Transpotation, Backpack, Mosquito Repellent, Drinking Water, Fee and Binocular

          Pick you up from your hotel 7:00 am.  (only White sand to Kai bae beach area)  

          Contact Us / (+66)1-588-3324